Thursday, 31 March 2016

Develop logical thinking, Puzzles for kids

Indispensable toys for children are puzzles. However, they may be of interest not only children, but even adults. Puzzles don't just promote the development of logical thinking and creativity, which occurs when children are trying to find unusual ways out of situations, and in the process of solving problems. These toys allow you and your child have fun while learning something new. The article will consider some of them.

An interesting toy will seem unusual puzzle game, suitable for children from seven to fourteen years of age, which is called "supernode-7." This toy helps develop sensory thinking, as well as increase dexterity. Externally, the "supernode" seems simple enough, but to solve the puzzle for kids takes a lot of patience, care, and the ability to act outside the box. Toy is an assembly of several wooden bars. It is necessary to dismantle the structure. To do this, you will need to find the bar, which is mainly in the puzzle. However, the name, or rather the number 7, which is in it, indicating that for this you will have to spend seven manipulation of the other components of toys. If you manage to cope with the first task, you can begin to address the second: now you need to collect the back unit. To expedite this process, the first phase requires a well to remember the location of all the bars.

This is the perfect puzzle for children from three years. With this toy your child will learn how to pack small cubes. The set is composed of eight elements, in which five usual whole of Cuba, and the remaining three stuck together from two parts. In this case, one plate is longer than the other. It is worth noting that all parts of the toy are carefully handled, therefore, cannot cause the child harm. Such puzzles for kids teach them to be attentive and to seek a solution to difficult problems. Moreover, the cubes are used for development of fine motor skills.

This is a complicated game. Puzzles for kids, using sticks, will attract the attention of not only children but also adult. Toy promotes the development of logic and improves memory. All players are dealt bars. Moreover, the manner of issuance depends on the number of participants. If there are two of them, the first will get red, yellow and orange plates, and the second will receive green, blue and purple. In the case involving the first three players were issued green and red, the second blue and orange, and the last is yellow and purple. 

As you can see, just used bars six colors. Therefore, if the number of participants equals this number, then each takes plates of the same color. Depending on the name of the game, you want to build from parts of different figures. So, there are types of "well" and "fence". During the action the player places one block, it is important to control that the touching parts were the same color. If a participant has no opportunity to observe this rule, he has to pass. In each form of the game the winner is determined differently. But the main goal is to use as many of their bars.

Additionally, if you need some of the educational toys to develop your kids’ brain, you could search at Banggood, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide you the low prices. Such as, black pearl pirate ship toy, rug storage bag, etc. 

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

New arriving products of WLtoys RC Cars at Banggood

WLtoys brand is famous for its rc drones, and its rc cars are the same has high remarks. Recently, it released several new products and all of them can be purchased at Banggood. This article will share you one of the new one of WLtoys A979-B

The A979-B of WLToys is a radio control car 4x4 (4 wheel drive) with independent damping system on all 4 wheels, and front and rear differential housing, ensuring excellent performance. Steering is controlled through a powerful servo 17g reinforced.

This new car rc WLtoys A979-B is a 1/18 scale rc car fully proportional Monster Truck type that incorporates a powerful engine air-cooled 390 class and makes you reach Even the 50 km / h in just seconds! It is an engine designed for long life to improve durability and overall stability of the car.

This remote control car comes fully assembled and ready to run. It also includes everything needed for operation: 2.4Ghz transmitter long range and interference-free, 2S LiPo battery (7.4V) of 1.100mAh that guarantees a range of between 10 and 15 minutes, and a charger. The battery is fully accessible and can be easily removed and replaced, so you can have extra batteries for change at a time and continue the fun. In short, this car rc you will be thrilled as us: thanks to its high speed and high capacity to adapt to any terrero (including sand) will experience the pleasure of driving radio. Do not let them scare you by your maximum speed: This car radio is suitable for most beginners thanks to its easy handling and strong materials that make it very resistant.

If you are interested in it, you just need to spend on $ 72.99 and you can get it from Banggood. At the same time, other new products you can have a try. Such as, WLtoys A969-B, WLtoys A959-B, etc. Additionally, other rc car parts needed, you also could buy here, for example, 5v cooling fan. 

Thursday, 24 March 2016

How to play with dolls?

Children will always find something to their liking and almost never sit idle. In this article I want to talk about how to play with dolls: what games come with these toys, which are for this purpose necessary props and anything new I can think of to diversify the game.

First of all I want to say that, according to the explanatory dictionary Ozhegova, the doll is a child's toy, which is the prototype of man. Very ancient is the history of this fun. So, dolls existed at all times, and children they enjoyed playing at the different stages of growing up. Interesting will be the fact that previously these figures were made mostly by hand, from materials that were at hand. In addition, the doll often had another important function: it was a talisman for the child, who was guarding the baby from the dark forces. Today, as many centuries ago, the boys also enjoy playing with dolls. And if such girly toys for everyone more than usual (Barbie, dolls, etc.), you should not think that boys have no such amusements. So, these are the same soldiers, figures of little men from LEGO, the drivers in the cars, and the like.

Today almost all the toys you can buy. This and dolls for the girls and their clothes, and even houses. If all of the extra inventory to create yourself, together with your child? It is primarily a great way to communicate with your toddler and teach him new skills. So, for the doll out of the box can make a big house with different rooms and settle there many dolls-neighbors, you can make household items, and various furniture, which are humanoid toys. It should again be recalled that in this case you have to consider the wishes of their child and "to go" with him not taking a leadership position on.

How to play dolls with a child right? So, it is worth saying that as they grow older toddler will grow up together with him. If girls for two years, the doll eats and lies down to sleep, for five years the baby will be more interesting if her toy is naughty, it will need to be calm and sometimes even to punish. This is normal and as it should be. Children play with dolls as they get older will become more complex, acquiring new different nuances. 

However, it should be said that not always safe is child's play with dolls. More precisely, the characters themselves are very harmful for perception. The simplest example is the Barbie doll. Beautiful girl, but with a somewhat deformed and painful forms of asthenic physique. Parents it is very important to make it clear to your child that this is just a toy, not a role model. And if a kid orders a new pastime on a holiday, is to see how these dolls (photos, for example, in children's magazines), and then decide whether to buy my baby a toy or it is better to prefer something different.

Additionally, if you need to purchase some of funny toys for you kids, you could choose Banggood, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide you various types toys with fordable prices. Such as, trumpeter king tiger, thermoacoustic stirling engine, etc. 

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

A New Generation of Programmable Humanoid Robot -- Apollo AIF-44-0

You know, the rc robot is one of the heat topic in the year of 2016. As a result, there are various rc robot products in the market. Recently, there is a new generation of programmable humanoid robot, which performances very good. Besides, this one need self assembling, and I think it will bring you more fun. Then, let me share you some detailed information about Apollo AIF-44-0

This one is one kind of open-source, but it is very easy to program. It is very funny for you to DIY that you can customize the robot motions. It comes with smart sensors and you can control it to do multiple motions. Endless customization possibilities, it will bring you more surprises, maybe out of your imaginations. 

AI.Frame Robot is equipped with 16 metal micro actuator, the body skeleton is made of acrylic sheet material, using a laser cutting process. It designed with flexible joints, and agile fingers that allows you to use it to do any motions. The airframes are hackable and upgradable, you even can add it with customized shell and shooting devices, etc. 

This RC Robot has three movement control options. First choice, using a game controller. Second selection, using a smartphone or tablet to control. Third option, you could custom 3D wearable device to control. As for me, I like the last control method. It is very interesting and pleasure way to play this one. 


Frame material: acrylic sheet
Housing material: ABS engineering plastic
Protocol: Bluetooth 4.0
Width height (CM): 18*11*22CM
Main control panel CPU signal: STM32
Power Board features: low voltage protection, overload protection,
Servo performance:Actuator:R & D servo, performance better, more durable
Gear: all-metal with overload protection
PWM output: 32   50HZ PWM
Control software: graphics software
Mobile APP support: Android+IOS
Battery: 850 mAh
Weight: 680g
Two versions: Acrylic Gear Servo and Metal Gear Servo
Note:This product is self-assembly.       

If you are interested in this one, you could do a pre-order at Banggood. This one is sold in a price of $ 239.99 ~ $ 324.99. Different versions have different prices. 

Friday, 18 March 2016


Dolls made of pantyhose. Who would have thought that to create unusual and exclusive things that is always at hand! Moreover, from what is traditionally considered a "consumable", very quickly come into disrepair. If there were only hands and the desire to create something beautiful.

So, enterprising seamstresses have long been sewn dolls made of pantyhose. Every woman knows, sometimes it is a pity to throw away new nylon pantyhose, which appeared in arrow. And here is a wonderful use of this item that will find any woman in your wardrobe. Dolls of the tights is quite funny and cute, and their production will not take much time and effort. Dolls can be both small and large. Small can be used as Christmas decorations, and large - to serve as a toy for a child or serve as a souvenir-talisman in your house. You can see how the dolls from pantyhose photo below.

Now, cut a piece of nylon that will fully wrap a future head doll. Sew the nylon to the usual synthetic padding stitches. Through the hole in the bottle thread with a needle, bringing it out. Then make a stitch to one of the convex edges that are on the bottle. Again print the thread and make a stitch to another neighboring edge - get a chin of the doll out of tights. Repeat this operation two more times to form the cheeks. Some threads pull a little more and some less to the chin and cheeks are different. The last rib on the bottle no need to sew stitches, this will be the forehead. Then you can start making nose. Wire twist frame and obtyanite his batting, and then a panel of nylon cloth. Sew it to your head. It needs well enough to bend and hold its shape, so the nose can make a little round or keep straight. You can now paint the face with acrylic paints. Draw rosy cheeks, eyes, mouth and eyebrows. Doll's head is ready.

Make the doll body is done Body a lot easier. Enough to cut out one-piece nylon two pieces that are similar on the trunk, legs and arms, and sew them together, leaving a small unsewn area to fill a synthetic winterizer. Sew the head to the body. Dress up doll as clothes you can use old or unwanted children's clothes to sew special clothes for it. Easiest beginner would be to make a sundress. Cut out a fabric rectangle and sew the edges, sew the top straps. The doll is ready!

Additionally, if you would like to purchase some of the stuffed dolls toys, you could choose Banggood, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide you the low prices. Such as,stuffed toy banana, white rabbit doll, etc. 

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Origami modules: flower. Modular origami with their hands

Modular origami covers a wide variety of topics. From paper you can make flowers, animals, cars, buildings. The choice is very large. Origami modules "Flower" is a wonderful addition to any interior space. This toy would look great on a bookshelf, on the windowsill near the flowers or in the "live area". 

Origami refers to the ancient creative processes. Initially it was used in various rituals and ceremonies. But later art became popular not only in China, but also outside the country. It liked children and now is widely used in extracurricular activities and artistic circles. The most common kind of creativity is modular origami.

When the child is involved in such a process, it vividly animates his figures. Such art not only develops children's thinking, imagination, helps develop fine motor skills. After such additional master classes in children improves memory and thinking.

To make flowers out of origami modules, it is necessary to prepare the modules themselves. It will take A4 sheets. They are cut into 16 equal pieces. Then the sheet is bent in half, then bent in half again. After that, the sheet should turn fold to itself. Fold the edges to the center. The bottom flaps are bent upward, and the corners in the triangle. The unbent sheet. Triangles are formed by the resulting planned lines. Then the flaps are bent upward again. The paper is folded in half. In the end it should be a module in the correct proportions.

You can quickly and easily perform DIY module origami "Flowers." This scheme is very simple. It will not require much time and material. It eliminates the creation of a large number of modules, so perfect for beginners. For manufacturing will need green, white and yellow paper or cardboard. To create a single volume of flower you will need 1 sheet of yellow paper and 16 sheets of white. 17 special fold modules. It is important that in this module there were two small pockets and two corner. 

These modular toys are very interesting. And if you need to search some of the funny toys, you could choose Banggood, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide you the low prices. Such as, diy jigsaw puzzle, wooden toy bus, etc. 


Birthday is the most joyful day of the year. It's all waiting for with bated breath, wanting to receive gifts. This is especially true of kids. At an early age, any child happy given things, toys and everything else. And how you can please and what to give the girl of 6 years?

Choices are very much here to consider, of course, wishes and interests of the child. Before selecting a gift watch little Princess, as she spends free time, what interests, then a gift falls into the hands of the birthday girl. This age borders on early childhood and preparing for school. Therefore, selecting the first or second category, you can't go wrong.

What to give a girl 6 years old birthday? Nowadays the range of toys is so huge that to choose something specific is not easy. You can just get lost in their multitude. If you are considered gift dolls, here you can find fats from small size to large dolls in full growth. They are separated by their beauty, skills and capabilities. Some of them can talk, others sing songs, but the second type is those who know how to walk. So if you are confident that the girl likes to play with dolls, feel free to choose any option.

Children's computers lately very popular. Their main goal is the development of mental and creative abilities to prepare for school. They are completely different in internal composition, so before purchasing it is recommended to read the instructions. With this device it is possible to study the letters, and not only the Russian alphabet, learn to write sentences, count, read and perform other necessary actions.

What to give the girl of 6 years? Soft toys. They are also represented in large numbers. For example, the girl can give a big beautiful bear or hare. Maybe it will be a couple of toys - a well-known Masha and the Bear. Pofantaziruyte, and you will definitely find the right solution.

Girls who are addicted from an early age music, you can give a tool for learning. This can be piano, synth, guitar, and other interesting options. Perhaps she already attends a music school or plans. So this gift will be most welcome.

Additionally, if you need some of the gadgets toys, you could purchase at Banggood, which is the wholesale platform to provide you various type toys and fordable prices. Such as, bulk neodymium magnets, bulk neodymium magnets, etc.  

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

RC Truck Bug Crusher Introduction

If you are prepared to take entertainment to the next level remote control truck with more appropriate remote control electric cars, then this is the model you are looking for. You no longer have to pay thousands of euros for a model that meets the highest technological requirements. This is a scale model that not only has been built with the highest quality and professionalism but also highly upgradeable.

If you are prepared to take entertainment to the next level remote control truck with more appropriate remote control electric cars, then this is the model you are looking for. You no longer have to pay thousands of euros for a model that meets the highest technological requirements.
Available in two versions Monster Truck or Truck

. This is a scale model that not only has been built with the highest quality and professionalism but also highly upgradeable. This model should not be confused with ordinary remote control cars, as it is a true racing machine! These models are equipped with remote control 2.4Ghz wheel, aluminum center drive, speed control with the highest specifications, oil dampers coated aluminum, high performance differential, radio tray aluminioy more. The Bug Crusher is a leader in its category.

In its standard version, the Bug Crusher 540 contains a high-precision engine, remote control HSP and 7.2V battery pack 1800mah Tamiya type. This equipment provides more than enough speed and power for any serious runner, but if you are one of those who like to take everything to the extreme, can improve your model with brushless kit. With high engine power brushless, electronically controlled ESC and Li-Po battery type speed, the truck will increase the speed incredibly and must use all your skill to control it. These enhancements are available as optional extra on top of this page. If you add to your purchase, please note that assembled the truck will not have to do it yourself. The update package contains 1 motor brushless high power, 1 ESC brushless A 11.1V 2200mAh LiPo battery and a battery charger LiPo.

This one is good that you could have a try! Additionally, if you need some of the rc cars parts, you can buy at Banggood, which is one of the rc toys wholesale platform to provide you the low prices. Such as, 10mm double sided tape, ko propo receiver, etc. 

Bigfoot Monster Truck RC Car Sharing

Bigfoot is a small fun that can be used indoors and outdoors. Perfect for younger drivers, but with features such as front and rear differentials, fully proportional steering and acceleration, and a suitable radio 2.4GHz becoming the most fun Store RC toy cars.

Although this model measures only 165 mm in length has some impressive features. It is completely 4WD so it is able to go off-Roada and improve handling. It has independent suspension on each wheel works and also front and rear differential to enhance cornering. This model comes with everything included and a 2.4Ghz radio equipment that allows you to use multiple models in a career in the same area without interference. The model comes with a very striking with camouflage US Army Hummer with very real car body decals.

Manufacturer HiSpeed: 1:24 RTR manufacturing
driving 4WD
For Terrain Terrain
2.4 GHz Radio Equipment
Type Monster Truck
Engine / Motor With Brushless
Longueur: 165mm
Largeur: 128mm
Hauteur: 78mm
Empattement: 110mm
Rapport d'engrenage: 1: 12.6
Garde au sol: 18mm
Batterie: 4.8V 220mAh avec chargeur UK
Direction assistée 1.0 g proportionnelle
Système Radio: 2.4G
Poids: 172g

This one is good that you could have a try! Additionally, if you need some of the rc cars parts, you can buy at Banggood, which is one of the rc toys wholesale platform to provide you the low prices. Such as, summit rc car parts, rc smart car parts, etc. 

Monday, 14 March 2016

3D Modeling HSP Buggy Planet 1/8

Our friend Ivan Ipi has shared with us 3D modeling work being done on your car, buggy 1/8 brushless Planet of the HSP brand, one of the most popular cars among people who start thanks to its affordable price. According to the same tells us, modeling is being carried out in NX, a program that is learning as it comes Solidworks and Inventor.

And as he says, the best way to learn this new software is designing / modeling any product you like, and better, than rc car you have.

And the advantage is that in the future, when we have modeled, may be manufactured spare parts on CNC or 3D printer. We know that sometimes costs less than the original parts, but as we always say the personal satisfaction of having done yourself is priceless!

If you are interested in this brand rc cars, you could try about micro rc crawler or hsp remote control. Both of them are pretty good and you would love them! 

Tuesday, 8 March 2016


For those pockets are not in a position to invest more than 200 € on a guitar, on the market a range of very decent instruments, so that by following a few basic tips, you can fully succeed in the purchase.

Given just this budget, we have analyzed how the market for acoustic guitars economical range. We have only taken into account those guitars with solid top, as laminate top instruments do not recommend in any case. All these instruments play in the same league: solid tops, laminated boxes, masts mahogany, rosewood fingerboards, tuning mechanisms decent. Instruments that will not disappoint, although hopefully not benefit high-end instruments. And as I always say: if your budget is short, forget about previous and electronics, and invest your money in wood.

Cort is a reputable brand with decades of experience in the production of acoustic guitars. This guitar has a solid spruce top, which is already guaranteed a minimum of sound quality. The neck is mahogany, and the sides and back of laminated mahogany (rather sapelly). Rosewood fingerboard. Shot 643 mm and width 43 mm nut. This is a good choice for beginners.

Soon we will add to what we have written about Recording King on other occasions: very good tools at cheap prices. This guitar has a solid Sitka spruce top with reinforced "X" scalloped, mahogany back and sides, mahogany neck. The mast has profile "C", which is something to consider for delicate guitar. The fingerboard is rosewood and bone nut. Shot capo 645 mm and 43 mm. Instruments of this brand are spartan in terms of aesthetics, but what we paid for them is invested mainly in sound.

An economic dreadnought manufactured in Europe. The instrument has a very special design, it seems that strong commitment VGS own aesthetic, seen with the naked eye on the headstock, bridge and fingerboard guide points. Solid spruce top, laminated back and sides mahogany, mahogany neck, rosewood fingerboard. Throw 648mm and 43mm nut.

This guitar has a very simple look, with a bridge of great personality. It has a solid Sitka top and inside Barred handmade, which is a guarantee for sound. The sides and back are made of laminated mahogany, rosewood fingerboard and bone saddles.

All these instruments are a good option to enter the world of acoustic guitar. They are instruments bodied dreadnought, a type of standard projection body with good bass and good high register, the average registration less present. Not usually the best tools for fingerpicking (technique of playing with nail), although this function meet solvency. They are suitable for finger picking styles and accompanied by rhythms.

We have analyzed four instruments that meet the minimum quality required in this price range, but in stores you will find many similar guitars. Our advice is more focused on the characteristics and qualities you would expect that brands itself.

Good luck in choosing your instrument!

Additionally, if you need other musical instruments, such as, swan harmonica, tip piano tuner, 12 hole ocarina, etc. Anything you want you could purchase at Banggood, one of the wholesale platform to provide you the low prices. 


It is well known that wood is not the only suitable material for the construction of guitars. For centuries tests are being made with materials such as ivory, and since the last century have been tested as methacrylate or other carbon, with satisfactory results. However, wood is still the most common material used in the construction of guitars ... for now.

Within the constructive scheme of the guitar, the cover occupies the leading role in the production of sound, which can be around 80%. In fact, the cover is the only part of the guitar that includes in its structure elements that affect the sound, such as harmonic bars. This important part of the guitar is built, therefore, taking into account the selected timber as well as the measures and the provision of domestic barrage.

n a previous article describes the main wood used in the construction of tapas guitar: WOODS ACOUSTIC GUITAR (I): THE TOP.

Understanding the crucial role of the cap on the production of sound, we can understand that a laminated cover (composed of a series of thin sheets of wood glued together) can never have the benefits of a solid cover. Now, how do you differentiate a solid cover of a laminated? You can have a look at this that I included in an article about guitars Yamaha photo red label.

In the above picture shows a laminated cover. It is distinguished because it has three layers. In a mazica cap, however, the edge of a wood distinguishes itself, is the grain atravensando entire width, and pattern of your drawing can be followed by comparing the outside with the inside of the lid.

My recommendation is to always buy a guitar that has at least the solid cover. The sides and back have no influence in the production of sound, so an instrument with rolling hoops and background can work well. But the solid top is a necessary condition for an acceptable instrument.

Eye lid descriptions included in the characteristics of guitar manufacturers. When you read these features in English, be sure that the term "solid" is indicated by the type of wood of the lid. Thus, "solid Sitka" means "solid Sitka spruce" but "Sitka" usually means laminated Sitka spruce.

Additionally, if you need other musical instruments, such as, rhythm sticks electronic drum sticks, soft keyboard piano, etc.Anything you want you could purchase at Banggood, one of the wholesale platform to provide you the low prices. 


This is the Dirty 30's Harmonella, developed for the dry sound and own resonant blues guitars series.

These instruments have some characteristics typical of that time, as a metal tailpiece bolted to the cylinder head where the strings are attached, in the style of a violin. They also have the floating bridge. To withstand this pressure, the tops of the ancient instruments had an extra internal reinforcement, which redounded in reducing harmonics and a drier, own for blues sound. However, Recording King have applied an X bracing in this series, which gives a richer sound. Other improvements such as an adjustable soul also been incorporated. The mast born and rolled hoops and funds not place this instrument beyond a discrete midrange, but is that the kind of music that is intended do not need more.

The aesthetic has greatly improved in the new series of RK, and in these Harmonella is really exquisite, with a simple mouth and matt sunburst finish. The headstock and tuning mechanisms also have a vintage feel, as the guide points, which are actually elongated rectangles.

The series is not yet on the market as I write these lines (January 2015), but if you follow the pricing of this brand, we face a real treat instrument, the purchase will not be a payout up to the satisfactions that will surely bring his happy owner.

Additionally, if you need some of the guitar parts, such as, guitar action gauge, guitar grip strengthener, etc. Anything you want you could purchase at Banggood, one of the wholesale platform to provide you the low prices. 

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

The Review Upon FMS BF 109 RC Helicopter

Your Messerschmitt BF109 rc plane , often called Me 109, was obviously a German Wwii mma fighter airplane designed by Willy Messerschmitt along with Scott Lusser noisy . To middle 1930s. Regarded as one of the first true contemporary competitors using it really is modern features including just about all steel mono-coupe construction, a closed canopy, retractable landing gear, along with operated by a new liquid-cooled, inverted-V12 aero motor. will still be regarded by so many to be probably the most productive warbird's on the planet Warfare 2. 

FMS features repeated the actual traditional World war 2 BF-109 in stunning level fine detail with this brand new EPO very strong and foam-molded plane. Through emphasizing a much more substantial dimensions compared to many equivalent models on the market, FMS happen to be capable of replicate using depth many of the BF-109’ s threatening as well as traditional functions. The bigger dimensions implies this specific warbird is often a dream in order to soar together with extremely secure features typically connected with substantial mentoring designs, letting you make your own adrenalin-fuelled aerobatics along with dog battles.

Brand Name: FMS
Item Name: BF109-Brown Warbirds
Material:Durable EPO
Servo: 9g Servo x 6 17g Servo x 1
Motor: 4250-KV580 Powerful Out runner Brushless Motor
ESC: 70A with 5A SBEC Brushless ESC
Recommended Battery: Li-Po 14.8V 2600mAh 25C,Click here
Propeller: 13 x 9 3 Blade Propeller With Spinner
Recommended Radio System: 6 Channel
CG (center of gravity): 80mm (From Leading Edge)
Approx. Flying Duration: 6 minutes
Minimum Age Recommendation: 14+
Experience Level: Intermediate
Recommended Environment: Outdoor
Assembly Time: 1 hour
Is Assembly Required: Yes
Wingspan: 1,400mm ( 55.2in )
Overall Length: 1,300mm ( 51.2in )
Flying Weight: Around 2,560g

If you are interested in it, you could purchase it at Banggood of a price of $ 299.99. By the way, you also can take a good consideration upon another excellent product of FQ777-610 3.5ch rc helicopter