Friday 8 April 2016

Wooden doll house: better to buy or make with your own hands?

In doll play all girls. The game will be even more interesting if, besides the main actors, the little lady will be a variety of accessories and furniture. Wooden doll house – this is a very useful thing, which is perfectly develops thinking, communication skills and creative abilities of the child. Where to buy toy house and how to choose, or it is better to do with their hands?

In any modern toy store, you can see these houses of various sizes and configurations. For Barbie dolls and their analogues are most often proposed articles of plastic. But the wooden house doll toy more durable, environmentally friendly and convenient for interior decoration and all kinds of alterations. On sale you can find such a house. 

Usually they are offered to customers in a flat Packed form and represent a constructor that can be collected once and fix or assemble and disassemble many times. When buying such toys (of any material) carefully review the dimensions of the finished house, they are usually listed on the package. Remember that on sale you can find homes of various sizes, each of which are only suitable 'tenants' of a particular height. In many regions of our country can also order the production of doll home and furniture it is made of wood. A similar service is offered by many salons furniture and interior items handmade. 

You can also make furniture. Use the remaining plywood, thick cardboard. The manufacture of doll furniture - the process is similar to building a house. You first need to make templates out of paper, then you can start cutting out elements from a dense material and Assembly. From colorful scraps and pieces of fabric quite easy to sew textiles for the home games. Do not forget to make bed linen, rugs and other necessary stuff. Arrange furniture in room, add small accessories – and you can celebrate the housewarming. Now you know how to make a wooden doll house. Rest assured, your child will definitely appreciate such a toy! 

Additionally, if you need to purchase some of the doll house toys, you could search at Banggood, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide you the low prices. Such as, miniature garden furniture, small white shelf, etc. 

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