Wednesday 25 October 2017

Why can Barbie stay popular for 50 years?

Barbie dolls came out in 1959, during these 50 years, a variety of new toys has come out after another. Some of them may be particularly popular in a year or two, but soon, they are also replaced by the next more innovative, more high-tech toys instead. However, the Barbie has topped the list of small girls wish list for more than 50 years.

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1. Not just toys, but also one of the American cultural symbols.
The reason Barbie is welcome is that it is far beyond the definition of the toy and becomes an immortal cultural symbol that carries all the girls' dreams - they can be the roles they want to play and have the same choice right as men. Self-confidence, beautiful, independent, happy image, are in line with the women's rights symbol.

2. Meet the psychology of pursuing beauty
Each girl has an unlimited pursuit of beauty. Barbie has a slender waist, the perfect body proportions, exquisite facial features, even more enviable is that she has countless beautiful clothes, shoes, bags, and jewelry. Isn’t this the dream of all girls around the world? Every year Barbie will release nearly a hundred new pieces of clothing, even cooperating with many celebrities, film and television and luxury brands. If you have a collection of Barbie's clothes, I suggest you to also have a cheap barbie clothes accessories hanger to collect the clothes better.

3. Meet the psychology of projecting them into the adult world
Most of the dolls are cute and childish, but Barbie's image is more mature. They will fall in love, get married, have children and work. Therefore, the children have a different understanding of the adult world through Barbie to meet their curiosity. That is why we can change clothes for Barbie for a whole day and design her home with the Barbie furniture sets for hours.

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We have to admit that Barbie's success is not accidental, in addition to the above reasons, it also because Barbie's production is very delicate and sophisticated. Every joint has been modified many times. Hope in the future we can see more high-quality inflatable toys wholesale.

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