Monday 28 May 2018

10 Effective Ways to Relieve Stress -part 2

6. Cooking
Cooking requires concentration and commitment, which makes cooking a prolific decompression method. If you have had a difficult day, you may wish to do a table of your favorite dish to cheer yourself. And delicious foods, like a sweet cake, will make people feel happy. If possible, you can also call several people for companionship.

7. Sports
Exercise is the healthiest way to reduce stress. Release energy, ease tension, draw strength from the anger and pressure of the day. Set yourself a goal and celebrate your achievements. Let stress work for you. There are many good outdoor sports options, such as climbing, camping, fishing, surfing, biking, hiking, and at the same time you can also admire the beautiful natural scene.

8. Reading
Reading is an old way of escaping from reality, but it is still very effective. When you open a book and spend an hour or two using the perspective of others, you can completely forget the problems in your life. You can even look at the problem objectively and find a solution.

quadcopter drone

9. Play RC model
RC toys on the market have many options, such as RC cars, RC helicopter, RC airplane and even the more advanced quadcopter drone. You just need to choose what you are interested in and focus on playing. You can also make RC toys DIY so that you can spend some time creating your own toy.

10. Video games
Playing video games is a good way to relieve stress. Let the imaginary enemy and other players digest the setbacks you have suffered. Video games can be used to vent anger with fun and safety, and decompress yourself. You can live a new life in these games. Meet other players and completely forget about reality. So online games become a great way to vent yourself. Keep troubles and problems in reality, and stay in the fun game world for a while.

10 Effective Ways to Relieve Stress -part 1

The modern society is full of pressure. How to use effective methods to release pressure has become a survival rule that modern people must know. The following 10 things can effectively help you relax, rest and vent. This is just 10 simpler and more practical suggestions. You'd better make personal choice based on your actual situation. And there are so many more ways, and maybe you can also share your thoughts with us.

1. Find your stress toys 
Stress toy is undoubtedly an effective way to reduce pressure. A lot of optional and affordable pressure reducer is available on the market now, find the one that suits you. Some options are great and popular, such as rubber balls, squishy ball or other squishy toys, finger spinner, or Fidget Cube.

squishy ball

2. Writing
Write a diary, or a blog. Sometimes we are depressed or anxious, but we do not know why. Writing it down is the best way to sort out the clues. However, if you want to comment on others, it is best to be anonymous.

3. Have a chat
Chat, like sports, is a healthy decompression method. Find a friend or expert, share your concerns, ask them to help you find a way, or simply share your thoughts. If you can, try to find fun during the talks. Laughter is also a good way to disperse depression.

4. Do cleaning
Another prolific energy-consuming route is to do cleansing and get a sense of accomplishment after completion.

5. Listen to music
Music is sometimes very powerful. A piece of music can make you calm or cheer. Listen to the quiet music to relax yourself, or dance around with the rhythm of the drum beat to release pressure. Someone might have the peaceful feeling in the mind when listening to the jazz music, soul music or blues music, which the others will enjoy dancing and partying listening to some EDM, hip-hop music or rock and roll.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Cambricon Intelligence Launches Programming Education Robot for Children

On May 22nd, Shenzhen Cambricon Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Cambricon Intelligence) launched the programming education robot Handiblox. The current price is RMB 2,388.

There are 33 types of 73 Robot Toys in the "Handiblox" robot. Users can open the main control screen and follow the guidance of the installation video. Children are free to program and they can also program by themselves. The humanoid robot's hands and feet can be freely stitched, and the eyes rely on face recognition technology to accurately identify the surrounding environment. The display on the robot's stomach can show various conditions.

The "Handiblox" robot is equipped with various interfaces such as sound, light, and movement. By connecting the smartphone App, the child can make the robot's two eyes (with LED chips) emit light of different colors, and the robot can move and dance. The movements also allow the robot to issue their own music (in three styles: piano, violin, and guitar).

Robot Toys

In addition to programming education, the "Handiblox" robot is equipped with a 5-inch touch screen, which can meet the graphical programming experience of multiple interfaces. At the same time, "Handiblox" has built-in primary school year-round curriculum guidance software and various learning tools. Apart from programming, children can also open software to review and consolidate the daily curriculum.

It is reported that while focusing on research and development of robot core technology, the Cambricon Intelligence will also exert its force on the content side, establish cooperative relationships with a number of content providers, and build an intelligent education content ecosystem.

The Cambricon Intelligence was established in 2015. At present, several product lines have been simultaneously developed and mass-produced, including escort robots, pension robots, commercial robots, and education robots. In the second half of this year, Cambricon Intelligence will also market new robots for elderly care services. In June 2017, the company received tens of millions of RMB in investment from Jiangsu Yueda Group. Jiangsu Yueda Group will support the core technology of Cambricon Intelligence and the research and development of new products.