Sunday 18 September 2016

A musical woodwind instrument. Wooden wind instruments Symphony orchestra

The orchestra is a large group of musicians consisting of groups. In these groups, the musicians play in unison. There are different in composition, musical direction of orchestras. It can be symphonic, wind, string, jazz, military, school, folk instruments. The instruments of the Symphony orchestra in groups: strings, woodwinds, percussion. In turn, wind instruments are copper and wood - depending on what material they are made. 

Wooden wind instruments of the Symphony orchestra is the bassoon, oboe, flute, clarinet and, of course, their varieties. Wood stove to include the saxophone and bagpipes with their options, but they are rarely used in the orchestra. Basically any of these tools performs his part. It is generally accepted that batch of wooden wind instruments should be placed on the top of the scores. The overall timbre of the woodwinds is very bright, but compact and powerful. The sound of more than others sound like the voice of a man. The name of the woodwinds was the result of the fact that initially, they were made of wood. Over time, their manufacture has been used and other material, but the name of the wood is preserved. Shortening of the sounding column of air through the opening holes – here the principle of sound production of these instruments. Holes located on the body. Woodwinds by the method of the direction of the air jet, in turn, are of two kinds: labial — flute and DUDUK and reeds (single-reed saxophone, clarinet and double-reed DUDUK, zurna, oboe, bassoon, Salma).

Flute – labially woodwind instrument. She appeared very long ago, when men cut the cane with a closed end made the holes and drew from it sounds. In the middle ages was common of the two kinds of flutes: straight and kept straight, like a clarinet, and the cross, which is held at an angle. Later, on the threshold of the 19th century, the transverse flute became more popular and eclipsed by its practicality line.

In the group of woodwind instruments namely the flute is the highest sounding. This is the most mobile of the in technical terms, a tool. Difficult to play slow melodies and sustained notes, as a large amount of air is used when playing on it (the air against the sharp edge of the hole breaks up and partially disappears). Thus, there is a characteristic flute sound. The range of transverse flutes from the first to the fourth octaves. 

Additionally, if you need to purchase some musical instruments, you could choose Banggood, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as 12 hole ocarina zelda, aluminium guitar case, etc.

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