Tuesday 29 November 2016

Toy anti-stress - vent future

In today's world, it is difficult to avoid stressful situations. They follow us everywhere. Irritation and growing state of stress can cause jams, always dissatisfied with something superior, currency fluctuations and other situations. in the field of statistics experts predict that in the foreseeable future, stress and depression are the most common diseases. Interestingly, not men, namely women, according to sociological studies, are more prone to stress. Apparently, the beautiful half just often have to think about the future of their children.

Unfortunately, we remove the stress is not the healthiest methods. Almost every second man struggling with depression by means of alcohol, and every third woman finds comfort in knitting. The top ten most effective methods to combat bad mood includes chat and games with children, reading a book, talking on the phone, cooking, gardening and others.

The most enjoyable doctor 

Recently becoming increasingly popular anti-stress toys. They look fun, easy to use and very effective for depression. Their creation - the work tedious and lengthy. In the production are taken into account the psychological and physiological characteristics of the body. Particular attention is paid to the form, color, tactile and visual sensations. Antistress toys should be a perfect mechanism, unconsciously acting on our internal state and gradually leads him back to normal.

Influence of color on mood 

We mentioned the importance of color to our mood. Let's take a closer look at a few colors, which may have anti-stress toy. The most common - red. Its effect on our body is amazing. It affects the blood circulation, increasing the production of adrenaline and shooting marked headache. In addition, anti-stress toy sets us on the positive and good mood. The second place in popularity is the color blue. He unwittingly reconciles us with the world, brings peace and pacification. At the same time the sky color is able to lower blood pressure, to fix our thoughts and feelings.

If you want to stay calm amid the chaos and disorder (screaming bosses and bustle of the busy office), you will be able to help this toy anti-stress color. Interestingly, the principle of operation of such devices may be different. On one simply watch. During visual contact Antistress toys and carries out its work. There are devices that you want to compress, as it were, giving them all their negativity and bad mood. And there are those who have to throw, tearing at them all my evil. The most striking example of this toy - a ball-anti-stress. Today, there are many similar devices. And even if they do not pull out you from a stressful situation, but it will certainly raise the spirits that have a lot of bright and unusual toys. So feel free to their purchase and give to their relatives and friends. 

Additionally, if you need to purchase some funny toys, you can choose Banggood, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as kong ming lock, russian doll keyring, etc. 

Furby - a new generation of toy

Modern toys have become a match for our unique kids. And no wonder: who today might be interested in teddy bears, cookware sets or the same pins? Yes, and interactive entertainment is unlikely to succeed to surprise someone. But there is in the market of children's goods quite amazing toy. Furby - a charming creature, who can communicate with your baby and helps him develop. Fluffy pet on batteries actively interacts with the environment and responsible.

Scroll forums on the said miracle, you will find only positive reviews. Furby instantly became the best friend of millions of families. The new generation is equipped with toys is already more advanced sensors and probes. Moreover, several Furby will even be able to communicate with each other using sounds that the human ear can not hear! Owners of Apple's products will be able to play with this charming fluffy baby using a special application developed for iOS. It will help to translate phrases incomprehensible toy language, as well as to feed your pet. In the future we plan to release a similar application for the Android platform. Furby - toy is very friendly and extremely sociable. He can talk, just not stopping. In addition, this animal fun dancing, if you turn to it.

cheerful music. Furby is able to learn. His character will depend on the treatment. If your child is kind to the little animal, stroking it tenderly communicates, and includes soft music, the Furby will manifest itself as a quiet and very friendly pet. Each toy their food preferences. Read the reviews. Furby eats special virtual sandwiches that you'll be able to cook it. Look at the reaction of this fascinating animal. He just loves when he paid attention.

He reacts to every word and touch, funny blinks and moves his large plastic ears. In order not to miss the night, animal sleeps with you. But he immediately wakes up, as soon as there a need for this. I must say that it is practically the only toy that is not gathered negative reviews. Furby love to all without exception. Toy funny react if you slightly pull it by the tail. The company produces a wide variety of colors toys, and animal fur made from different materials. A Furby runs on four AA-batteries, which must be purchased separately.

Additionally, if you need to purchase some funny toys, you can choose Banggood, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as model train people, mini magnetic balls, etc. 

Clay toys - whistles. Painted clay toys

Russian clay toys are part of the lives of the people for many centuries. The art of making these gizmos and craft traditions handed down from generation to generation. These seemingly trinkets are the epitome of beauty, work and lifestyle of Russian people.

Provenance clay toys on the territory of our country's archaeologists have found the oldest clay toys, dating back to the second millennium BC. They were a rattle, a variety of dishes and small clay similarity tools. The excavations (Moscow, Ryazan) toys and more recent origin were found. They were of religious significance and were made in the form of figures of people, birds and horses. These toys were created by modeling clay and then firing in the kiln. Sometimes they are decorated with painted and coated with glaze.

The history of clay toys developed rapidly. Its production in the 17-18 centuries. quickly grew. Figures began to be manufactured specifically for sale at the Spring Fair. Clay - plastic and soft material. It was not only suitable for forming cookware. From her sculptured various toy whistles, images of people, birds, animals, grematushki (rattles) and much more. Each master has its own style and manner of molding and decorating products. When Alexis as souvenirs and gifts such gizmos willingly began to buy the royal court. While clay toys fashioned everything from small to large. We are doing it for the most part in the autumn-winter season, when the time free from rural concerns, was enough. And to this day folk toys from clay does not lose its relevance. Established in all sorts of variations of shapes and colors, it has a magical ability to bring into the house of comfort, warmth and good humor. 

People clay toys: differences in origin and method of production

Toys may be different in composition clay, taken for crafts, and fashion modeling, inherent in a particular type of product. It is best molded images of fat clay. It is primarily used for the manufacture of toys Filimonovsky. Each product peculiar to certain forms and colors that depend on the type of clay found in a particular place, and its plastic properties. Clay toys manufactured earlier, are a special branch of pottery, preserved to this day. The expressiveness and simplicity - the main criteria of modeling of these products by folk artists. Big fame enjoyed Russian ceramic toy:. Abashevo, Kargopol, Dymovskiy, Filimonov, etc. This craft got its spread in many countries of the world.

Additionally, if you need to purchase some funny toys, you can search via Banggood website, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as remote control frog, fighting toys, etc. 

An ancient Russian folk stringed musical instrument

Musical instrument harp - what is it? It belongs to the stringed species. Harp - ancient tool, familiar to many for legends. But in modern times it sounds can be heard mainly in orchestras, folk-oriented play of Slavic music. Although it is still not extinct some talented craftsmen who are able to extract music from this ancient instrument.

When created a harp? 

From childhood, everyone has heard about the harp. What are they? This is an unusual ancient musical instrument. In earlier times, it often sounds were heard in the village huts. On this instrument, there are many legends and folk sayings. For the first time harp mentioned in 591 year. But a more precise date of creation of this musical instrument is not in any source.

A little history Harp - what is it? 

It is an ancient stringed musical instrument. But when he appeared - is not known. There are many versions. One of them - a harp formed by ancient musical bow. It was a folk instrument, rather primitive and famous in almost all countries. In support of this version you can add that this string musical bow called "Harp". But, as stated above, it is only one of a plurality of hypotheses.

In the ninth century, playing the harp Slavs surprised Byzantine kings. While the tool was made of dry maple or spruce boards. Names psaltery sometimes occurred from the ornamental material. For example, the master preferred maple Sycamore. But when they began to stretch the strings of a metal harp (photo eat them in this article) came to be called "zvonchatye". 

Additionally, if you need to purchase some musical instrument parts, you can search via Banggood website, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as guitar fretboard stickers, eno tuner, etc. 

Children's developing mats Tiny Love: description of popular models

With the advent of the first-born parents try to give him all the best, so it grew and developed faster than peers. Caring Mom and Dad are trying to buy their child everything toys without thinking whether they need the kid actually. For example, the benefit to the child developing mats, appeared on the market children's products recently? Do they perform all the functions that are specified in the descriptions of them? 

Still, developing mats need! 

Early development of the child may have a greater impact on its success in the future. It seems that the newborn baby does not understand what is happening around. Even our grandmothers gave "useful" tips that do not need to talk to a small child, until he is three weeks, he still does not hear. In fact it is not.

The kid hears everything. Recent studies have shown that children who are still in the womb listening to music, recognized her immediately after birth, and as soon as the tune began to play, they knew it and became calmer. Same thing with rugs. 

When the baby starts to get acquainted with different colors, sounds, tactile sensations, his brain will be fed, and will be delayed some knowledge. This does not mean that the next day the child begins to speak or walk. But when he has accumulated a certain amount of knowledge, there will be a leap in development. It is proved that the kids who develop from birth, more capable than their peers. They used to start talking and do better in school.

Additionally, if you need to purchase some funny toys, you can search via Banggood website, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as family finger puppets, 3d bullet, etc. 

Wednesday 16 November 2016

DJI Mavic Pro, new photo essay

It's hard to get a copy of DJI's Mavic Pro to produce a review - it's just hard to get a Mavic Pro anyway! Contrary to the assertions made by the brand managers, the delivery of the machines waders terribly, and delays accumulate. It is therefore necessary to take his trouble in patience. Note that I chose not to test a machine loaned by DJI. The reason ? It's simple. When the brand unveiled the Mavic Pro to the European press during an open day near Lisbon in Portugal, it had a few machines, less than a dozen. Prototypes exploitable for handling and performing some flights. This is one of those devices I used to produce the preview of the Mavic Pro (see here). I made sure to point out that these were not standard machines - hence the fact that I write the chronic "preview", not "test".

Promo code ?

Dsc_0062-1200DJI proposed to journalists the purchase of the Mavic Pro with a promotional code. It was not intended to offer a reduction, contrary to what could be said on sites, this code played the role of queue-cutter, that is to say to obtain one machine among the first outputs d 'factory. I tried that of Marc Mitrani, a colleague journalist and friend, bought with this code. The flight took place on a mediocre weather day. A great way to test shots in difficult conditions. If the videos looked right, the photos showed a blur on the edges of the pictures. Other reporters expressed disappointment at the photos taken by their Mavic Pro, bought under the same conditions. Other customers, however, indicated that their machine was not affected by this defect. This blur was absent on the prototypes of Portugal. What about standard machines delivered to DJI customers?

Proposal of DJI

The Mavic Pro lent to the French press, of which you have read or seen the tests, are the devices of the day in Portugal repatriated to France. Prototypes, therefore, the same as the one I used for the preview published on Helicomicro. It was important, with this story of fuzzy edges, to get hold of a "real" serial device. Not a prototype, not a machine from the very first series out of factory. Dsc_0082-1200This StudioSport store offered me this opportunity, entrusting me one of the first machines of a lot intended for their customers. Only then, the team forgot to order a suitable weather, preferring the more tormented one of Normandy. Rebelote, the test was therefore conducted under conditions of poor brightness. The rain was beating, it was necessary to evolve confined in the hangar of StudioSport. So I was not able to implement the test protocol planned to evaluate the photo capabilities of the Mavic Pro. But I took snapshots just to check if the worry encountered on some Mavic Pro first series was still present. I also took the opportunity to shake the machine (actually, Paul's StudioSport especially took care of it) and visualize the work of the stabilized nacelle. Thanks to the whole team for their help!


Dsc_0094-1200As for the first shooting session, I did not try to change the settings. The photos are then shot with the original settings. The result is very clear: the images do not suffer from the worry of blur on the edges. The pictures are available a bit lower in this post. This is excellent news, which will of course have to be confirmed with other devices to remove any doubt. I did not push further the tests, the conditions did not allow to do very much. Note that I intervened on the 2 pictures showing cars to blur the number plates. No other changes were applied to these two photos than the Jpeg backup (quality 12 in Photoshop). The rest will be when I can! - enjoy both a standard Mavic Pro, a Phantom 4, and a pretty good weather ...

Additionally, if you need to purchase some rc helis, you can search via Banggood website, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as walkera new v120d02s 3d mini helicopter, walkera gyro, etc. 

Thursday 10 November 2016

OnagoFly in approach

This small multirotor to brushed motors, we told you about in here for the present, and here for whether to believe it. Because the device was proposed as a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. onagofly-bg-03Or bad experiences in the field are numerous: the Zano never happened, Lily is still waiting (although this is not a project born of the crowdfunding) ...

Is it worth it ?

This device driver that only with a smartphone was delivered to the "backers" but he seemed to suffer (last spring) faults ... that closely resemble those of Dobby Zerotech or Breeze Yuneec. Worse, unfortunately, particularly because of the lack of image stabilization. The promotional video below seems to use the post-production stabilization (the black bars that wriggle on the sides). These defects were they partially corrected since? I do not have the answer. The device is now available for pre-order at Banggood for about 295 € (excluding shipping and taxes excluded), in white or black. The OnagoFly the official site is here.

Additionally, if you need to purchase some rc drones, you can search via Banggood website, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as EB185 Drone, syma 3ch rc helicopter, etc. 

Monday 7 November 2016

How to sew a stuffed toy with their hands: the pattern for beginners

Given the popularity and demand of goods hand-made, toy, sewed their own hands, will be a great gift not only the child but an adult of any age: it can be presented as a souvenir or interior decoration. To produce such a thing is easy. The main thing - to choose a simple a pattern, according to their experiences.

Popular options products 

Toy sewed his hands, may be formed as a textile doll or animal, wherein the look well as articles made solely for decoration, and those which have yet utilitarian function. A suitable option for themselves can choose from the following list: 

very gentle and romantic doll tilde; cute and funny Coffee toys; functional and fun pillow in the form of cats and owls. Actually kinds of toys, including dolls and particularly textiles, many. The above are the most popular and those that are the easiest to make. 

Materials and tools 

To you get a nice and neat toy, sewed their own hands, please be following tools and materials: template, blank, sample (can be printed); paper patterns; pencil, eraser; scissors; the cloth; pins; a piece of chalk; needle and thread; filler (padding polyester, hollofayber); sewing machine; decor items (beads, buttons, finished plastic eyes and nose (for animals), satin ribbons, and so on. D.

As you can see, nothing complicated and expensive is not required (unless the machine). Most likely, even for novice needlewoman all of the above is already available.

Textile doll 

If you decide to sew soft toys with their own hands, the pattern is to choose the most simple (of course, if you have enough experience). Very popular now textile dolls. They are made in the form of a realistic human and humanized animals. Some products may consist of only two components - the front and rear halves of the body, whose head, arms and legs are integrally formed. Clothes sewn separately or in general is permanent, even without a pattern. If you allow the experience and time, it is better to choose options that consist of separate elements, ie all parts of the body are performed off-line, then the character is going to have. These toys look more realistic and accurate. 


All that was said in the previous section, also applies to the manufacture of small animals. To sew soft toys with their own hands, the patterns can be constructed independently. If you do not draw very well, but the use of ready-made templates do not want to try to create a pattern of animal simplified form, and it is better that all the elements were cut in one piece with the body. 

Coffee toys 

Do you want to learn how to make toys with their own hands (for beginners there is no big deal, so do not be afraid) that have and will be perfumed? Then this section is for you. Patterns for these products come from the most simple. Funny and cute little things are usually composed of two parts. The base material take white x / cotton fabric. Coffee toys are called attic because they resemble those found in an old trunk, darkened by time souvenirs. In order to give the appropriate tissue brownish tint, material or cut parts stand in the decoction of coffee or tea. This, apart from the color, gives even and pleasant aroma of the product. Often, these toys paint the acrylic primer with pre-dyed fabric, such as PVA glue. Thin brush draws expression faces (usually in the art to make small animals), and can be applied to a variety of fun lettering. 

Additionally, if you need to purchase some funny toys, you can search via Banggood website, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as smiley plush toy, magnetic gyroscope, etc. 

Thursday 3 November 2016

Analysis Udi U28 1 W and normal: Mini drone FPV camera wifi

Find fpv mini drone drones type ... is not easy. Notice that this sector has progressed and developed especially FPV models but remain the most problems and negative tidbits are taken out today in its value. Today I will bring the three versions of Udi U28, drones with your FPV camera by flag (one not only would record in SD) and speed. We put ourselves with them.

The first and most important thing is to distinguish the different models that we will bring you if you want to buy drones of this kind and bent upon the range of Udi U28:

Udi U28: This is the normal model that comes with a camera that would record in SD and point.
Udi U28 W: This would have a camera that sends a signal to our smartphone.
Udi U28 1: This would be the signal that sends video from the camera via a frequency of 5.8 GHz and visualizaríamos on a screen that is integrated into our command.

It is important to distinguish each of these models, since according to this difference radically change the price. So I recommend you see what brings each of these additions and if in the end you decide to buy it. The best version of all is the Udi U28 1. By sending the signal by 5.8GHz to our screen offers real possibilities to control the drone from the screen, which from the version that receives the wifi signal ... because of their delay of a second or two ... it is impossible.

As for the camera recording, it is best to judge for yourselves. In the video that I leave I accompany the full analysis and camera recordings, so if you want to supplement ... it better than what you see for yourselves and your own conclusions.

On the flight, I have to admit that is more stable and faster drones time I've had in this range. Honestly ... ten. In addition, your battery reaches 6 minutes long and the distance to control them is far superior to what we will be able to control the view, so no objection.

They have different functions, but we ... is not something we are going to highlight (such as headless or can be controlled upside down a few). They are things or perform poorly or simply add nothing to the experience. Not detract product, since by adding ... nothing happens, but just when you go to buy not think anything of those added as something interesting.

In short, three very interesting drones that although price can go a bit, are clear that they have great quality.

Additionally, if you need to purchase some rc helis, you can search via Banggood, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as vtol rc plane, indoor rc biplane, etc. Also, the rc drone gadgets also can get here, for example, zyx flybarless

Dronebox, autonomous drones garage

Dronebox is a box created by the guys Dinamics H3, to save and drop drones effectively at the stipulated time.

In turn, it is able to charge their batteries (drone) wirelessly and can do so in two different ways, using the energy stored in the solar panels that has this box or using auxiliary batteries located within a module, named Remobox , which reports remotely loads state thereof.

Dronebox also been equipped with sensors capable of detecting the state of the weather, and thus decide independently whether the drone that is inside or not can go abroad to carry out its mission.

These boxes are connected to the network, so that once the drone is deposited inside, you can save all the information gathered during their flights on their respective servers.

With this invention, the drones are protected, not only weather situations, but also and more safely, friends gossiping.

At the moment there is no information about Dronebox in terms of price and availability, we only know, according to its creators, which will be released in about six months.

Additionally, if you need to purchase some rc drones gadgets, you can search via Banggood, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as zyx 3 axis gyro, efuel 30a switching power supply, etc. 

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Youbi XV-130 Review

China is definitely a country where the copy machine is in full operation. The Atom V2 RotorX has not been delivered to his "backers" in RTF version that the device is already copied! The Youbi XV-130 has the same design of the Atom V2 with its fairing (3 shades of gray) and four-bladed propellers. Even the cutting of the frame looks similar. The device measures 15 x 11.5 x 3.5 cm and weighs 115 grams (without battery). Inside, there is a flight controller "Awesome F3" that pilot ESC BLHeli S-20A for brushless motors 3600KV 1306 (the equivalent of the upgrade on the Atom V2). The camera is a 600TVL FPV with a 100 ° associated with a video transmitter 5.8GHz 40 channels (including the Raceband) capable of emitting at 25, 200 and 400 mW. It seems that this transmitter is integrated into the plate of the flight controller ... The antenna is kind of short stick.

To fly with this unit, it remains to add a radio receiver and a battery 3S or 4S, probably around 1000 mAh - the jack type is not specified. The Youbi XV-130 will be offered to just under € 140 in Banggood (with the port but excluding taxes). What is it facing the RotorX version proposed € 370, equipped with stacked components of Team BlackSheep including an OSD, the GER Unify Pro and power to choose between 25 and 800 mW? Hard to say for now, the illustrations of the XV-130 are still only 3D images, but I'd be happy to try both!

Additionally, if you need to purchase some rc drone accessories, you can search via Banggood website, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as rc pinion puller, walkera 3.7v lipo battery, etc. 

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Self-Assembled Transformation Robot, The Best Gift For Your Kids

When Christmas comes, the parents may think of sending the gifts for their kids. The most troubling question is how to choose the right presents. If your kid is a little boy, then the RC Robot Kit should be a good choice. On my opinion, many little boys like this type of toy. Most importantly, they can learn some knowledge during the DIY. Also, you can play it with your boy, improving relationships.

In this article, I will tell you something about the Self Transformation Robot. It is one kind of 4-in-1 toys, which can be assembled as the cricket, space truck, monster and robot. During the DIY process, it helps kids know about the movement principles and the machinery power.

In terms of the installation, the basic steps are to assemble the battery box and the gearbox. Then, you can diverge your thinking and use the remaining parts to finish the DIY. If you do not know how to assemble it, you can watch the assembling videos as following.


1.Bring the fun of you DIY.
2.More Funny and educational for kids.
3.Light and safe plastic easy take for kids.
4.Just need an AA battery power(not include).
5.Educational Development: assembling the learning process through immense interest.
6. Able to feel the joy of feeling constantly conquest and accomplishment.
7.With teaching video of the page, more easy to play with your kids.
8.Can greatly improve the limits of creative thinking ability.


Name: 4 in 1 Self-assembled Transformation Robot
Package Size: 32*20*7cm
Package Weight: 369g
Power: One AA battery power(not include)
Color: Grass Green
Finish Type: Trailer/ Cricket/ Beast/ Robot

If you are interested in this toy, you can purchase via Banggood website. It is cheap, only costing at a price of $ 11.99. Play it with your kids and have fun!