Monday 7 November 2016

How to sew a stuffed toy with their hands: the pattern for beginners

Given the popularity and demand of goods hand-made, toy, sewed their own hands, will be a great gift not only the child but an adult of any age: it can be presented as a souvenir or interior decoration. To produce such a thing is easy. The main thing - to choose a simple a pattern, according to their experiences.

Popular options products 

Toy sewed his hands, may be formed as a textile doll or animal, wherein the look well as articles made solely for decoration, and those which have yet utilitarian function. A suitable option for themselves can choose from the following list: 

very gentle and romantic doll tilde; cute and funny Coffee toys; functional and fun pillow in the form of cats and owls. Actually kinds of toys, including dolls and particularly textiles, many. The above are the most popular and those that are the easiest to make. 

Materials and tools 

To you get a nice and neat toy, sewed their own hands, please be following tools and materials: template, blank, sample (can be printed); paper patterns; pencil, eraser; scissors; the cloth; pins; a piece of chalk; needle and thread; filler (padding polyester, hollofayber); sewing machine; decor items (beads, buttons, finished plastic eyes and nose (for animals), satin ribbons, and so on. D.

As you can see, nothing complicated and expensive is not required (unless the machine). Most likely, even for novice needlewoman all of the above is already available.

Textile doll 

If you decide to sew soft toys with their own hands, the pattern is to choose the most simple (of course, if you have enough experience). Very popular now textile dolls. They are made in the form of a realistic human and humanized animals. Some products may consist of only two components - the front and rear halves of the body, whose head, arms and legs are integrally formed. Clothes sewn separately or in general is permanent, even without a pattern. If you allow the experience and time, it is better to choose options that consist of separate elements, ie all parts of the body are performed off-line, then the character is going to have. These toys look more realistic and accurate. 


All that was said in the previous section, also applies to the manufacture of small animals. To sew soft toys with their own hands, the patterns can be constructed independently. If you do not draw very well, but the use of ready-made templates do not want to try to create a pattern of animal simplified form, and it is better that all the elements were cut in one piece with the body. 

Coffee toys 

Do you want to learn how to make toys with their own hands (for beginners there is no big deal, so do not be afraid) that have and will be perfumed? Then this section is for you. Patterns for these products come from the most simple. Funny and cute little things are usually composed of two parts. The base material take white x / cotton fabric. Coffee toys are called attic because they resemble those found in an old trunk, darkened by time souvenirs. In order to give the appropriate tissue brownish tint, material or cut parts stand in the decoction of coffee or tea. This, apart from the color, gives even and pleasant aroma of the product. Often, these toys paint the acrylic primer with pre-dyed fabric, such as PVA glue. Thin brush draws expression faces (usually in the art to make small animals), and can be applied to a variety of fun lettering. 

Additionally, if you need to purchase some funny toys, you can search via Banggood website, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as smiley plush toy, magnetic gyroscope, etc. 

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