Tuesday 29 November 2016

Clay toys - whistles. Painted clay toys

Russian clay toys are part of the lives of the people for many centuries. The art of making these gizmos and craft traditions handed down from generation to generation. These seemingly trinkets are the epitome of beauty, work and lifestyle of Russian people.

Provenance clay toys on the territory of our country's archaeologists have found the oldest clay toys, dating back to the second millennium BC. They were a rattle, a variety of dishes and small clay similarity tools. The excavations (Moscow, Ryazan) toys and more recent origin were found. They were of religious significance and were made in the form of figures of people, birds and horses. These toys were created by modeling clay and then firing in the kiln. Sometimes they are decorated with painted and coated with glaze.

The history of clay toys developed rapidly. Its production in the 17-18 centuries. quickly grew. Figures began to be manufactured specifically for sale at the Spring Fair. Clay - plastic and soft material. It was not only suitable for forming cookware. From her sculptured various toy whistles, images of people, birds, animals, grematushki (rattles) and much more. Each master has its own style and manner of molding and decorating products. When Alexis as souvenirs and gifts such gizmos willingly began to buy the royal court. While clay toys fashioned everything from small to large. We are doing it for the most part in the autumn-winter season, when the time free from rural concerns, was enough. And to this day folk toys from clay does not lose its relevance. Established in all sorts of variations of shapes and colors, it has a magical ability to bring into the house of comfort, warmth and good humor. 

People clay toys: differences in origin and method of production

Toys may be different in composition clay, taken for crafts, and fashion modeling, inherent in a particular type of product. It is best molded images of fat clay. It is primarily used for the manufacture of toys Filimonovsky. Each product peculiar to certain forms and colors that depend on the type of clay found in a particular place, and its plastic properties. Clay toys manufactured earlier, are a special branch of pottery, preserved to this day. The expressiveness and simplicity - the main criteria of modeling of these products by folk artists. Big fame enjoyed Russian ceramic toy:. Abashevo, Kargopol, Dymovskiy, Filimonov, etc. This craft got its spread in many countries of the world.

Additionally, if you need to purchase some funny toys, you can search via Banggood website, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as remote control frog, fighting toys, etc. 

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