Wednesday 16 November 2016

DJI Mavic Pro, new photo essay

It's hard to get a copy of DJI's Mavic Pro to produce a review - it's just hard to get a Mavic Pro anyway! Contrary to the assertions made by the brand managers, the delivery of the machines waders terribly, and delays accumulate. It is therefore necessary to take his trouble in patience. Note that I chose not to test a machine loaned by DJI. The reason ? It's simple. When the brand unveiled the Mavic Pro to the European press during an open day near Lisbon in Portugal, it had a few machines, less than a dozen. Prototypes exploitable for handling and performing some flights. This is one of those devices I used to produce the preview of the Mavic Pro (see here). I made sure to point out that these were not standard machines - hence the fact that I write the chronic "preview", not "test".

Promo code ?

Dsc_0062-1200DJI proposed to journalists the purchase of the Mavic Pro with a promotional code. It was not intended to offer a reduction, contrary to what could be said on sites, this code played the role of queue-cutter, that is to say to obtain one machine among the first outputs d 'factory. I tried that of Marc Mitrani, a colleague journalist and friend, bought with this code. The flight took place on a mediocre weather day. A great way to test shots in difficult conditions. If the videos looked right, the photos showed a blur on the edges of the pictures. Other reporters expressed disappointment at the photos taken by their Mavic Pro, bought under the same conditions. Other customers, however, indicated that their machine was not affected by this defect. This blur was absent on the prototypes of Portugal. What about standard machines delivered to DJI customers?

Proposal of DJI

The Mavic Pro lent to the French press, of which you have read or seen the tests, are the devices of the day in Portugal repatriated to France. Prototypes, therefore, the same as the one I used for the preview published on Helicomicro. It was important, with this story of fuzzy edges, to get hold of a "real" serial device. Not a prototype, not a machine from the very first series out of factory. Dsc_0082-1200This StudioSport store offered me this opportunity, entrusting me one of the first machines of a lot intended for their customers. Only then, the team forgot to order a suitable weather, preferring the more tormented one of Normandy. Rebelote, the test was therefore conducted under conditions of poor brightness. The rain was beating, it was necessary to evolve confined in the hangar of StudioSport. So I was not able to implement the test protocol planned to evaluate the photo capabilities of the Mavic Pro. But I took snapshots just to check if the worry encountered on some Mavic Pro first series was still present. I also took the opportunity to shake the machine (actually, Paul's StudioSport especially took care of it) and visualize the work of the stabilized nacelle. Thanks to the whole team for their help!


Dsc_0094-1200As for the first shooting session, I did not try to change the settings. The photos are then shot with the original settings. The result is very clear: the images do not suffer from the worry of blur on the edges. The pictures are available a bit lower in this post. This is excellent news, which will of course have to be confirmed with other devices to remove any doubt. I did not push further the tests, the conditions did not allow to do very much. Note that I intervened on the 2 pictures showing cars to blur the number plates. No other changes were applied to these two photos than the Jpeg backup (quality 12 in Photoshop). The rest will be when I can! - enjoy both a standard Mavic Pro, a Phantom 4, and a pretty good weather ...

Additionally, if you need to purchase some rc helis, you can search via Banggood website, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as walkera new v120d02s 3d mini helicopter, walkera gyro, etc. 

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