Monday 18 January 2016

The Radius of The Fingerboard GUITARS

The fretboard radius is the curvature having the fingerboard and frets. This curvature does not exist in some types of guitar, like classical, but is common in acoustic guitars and many other plucked instruments like the sitar or the baroque lute.

The degree of curvature positively or negatively affect our technique depends on the aspect that we consider. Because of this, the radio is a factor to consider when we buy a guitar, because it can affect one way or another sound that we will get the instrument.

How fingerboard radius measured? The figure on the left shows in proportion within 16 ", which is common in the first fret of the instruments of some manufacturers like Martin. From this we can deduce that the smaller the greater the curvature radius. In specialized stores selling tools for guitarists music instruments templates to measure the radius of the guitars.

The fingerboard and frets can take the following forms:
Straight: As is the case for classical guitars.
Conic: It is common for many instruments begin with a radius of 16 "on the first fret and reach 20" in the past.
Cylindrical:  It is an option that is increasingly being used more. The radius remains the same in all the dishes.
Composed: The curvature is studied without following any of the previous variants.

The most pronounced radios have been used in electric guitars like the Fender Stratocaster of the 50s and 60s, reaching 9 ". Fender eventually lowered this curvature, but current models based on these classic designs tend to have curved spokes.

For current acoustic guitars, the same manufacturer may apply different radio types to different models of guitars fingerboard accessories. Taking the example of Larrivée guitars, compound radius is 17 "to 21" in the type and OM 16 "to 21" (more curved) in the LSV type (Fingestile Series). In the case of OM, the radius of 17 "in the first frets, coupled with the large width of the nut is extremely comfortable. There is a difference between the 16 "and 17", giving this measure a lot more sense of righteousness of the fingerboard. However, the fact that Larrivée, a manufacturer of great prestige, manufacture its range of more appropriate for fingerstyle guitar with a smaller radius is synonymous in this radius no more rules that we impose our own preferences.

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