Wednesday 8 February 2017

Educational toys for children from 2 years

Perhaps you know the situation, when the child is presented with a bunch of toys, but they quickly get bored, broken and lying under his feet. Parents genuinely surprised - so many toys around, and the child is bored. 

A selection of baby gifts? You become a researcher: shtudiruete internet, ask friends, learn shelves of children's shops. Do not worry, we'll tell you what toys the child develop. The choice of games for children of all ages - not an easy task. 

Often parents are so keen on the idea of early childhood development that are buying up everything in the store, not taking into account the character and hobbies kid. 

For example: Toys do not comply with the age. Too complicated puzzle constructor with fine details. The child was not able to collect them, disappointed and did not play, and adults do not help. Do not meet the interests and inclinations of the little man. 

For example, a girl wants to play with cars and railroad, and my mother buys dolls and doll sets. She sincerely believes daughter "should" get involved in girls' classes, not roll machine.

How to choose toys for children 2-3 years 

Age 2-3 years - an important stage in a child's development. Now he does not merely shift the items as one year old baby. The child knows the purpose and meaning of action items. 

He actively learns the world around us, copy actions of adults. For example, he can put the doll to sleep in a crib, toys feed of plates. Ongoing language development, forming the active and passive vocabulary. The role of parents in the development of speech is a major, if not decisive. 

What toys will be useful for the baby: Dolls and animals with a realistic appearance. Psychologists say that is too bright toys "strange breed" can scare the kid and distort his perception of real things. Most cheap Chinese "masterpieces" contain hazardous substances, fade in the wash. In sensitive toddlers allergic reaction may occur. So do not skimp on toys. If your budget is limited, it is better to buy one quality product than a few cheap. Educational toys for children from 2 years: Cubes, designer - the clear leader among other games. Develop thinking and fine motor skills. Feature Sets: dishes, vegetables, fruit, furniture, and other doctors set. Rags, boxes, sticks - Substitute items. The child with the help of them may fantasize. Cars, trains, rolling - everything that moves on wheels that can roll, pulling the rope. Closer to three years of a child might be interested in the machine on the remote control. Plenty of toys allow a child to choose something for everyone and harmoniously grow. 

Interactive educational toys - children's computers, tablets - can be useful at a later age: 5 to 7 years old, when the child learns the alphabet and expense. Educational toys for children from two years old should be safe and strong, because at this age, kids just learning to take good care of the objects. 

Additionally, if you happen need to purchase some educational toys, you can search via Banggood website, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as trumpet toy, combat toys, etc. 

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