Monday 6 February 2017

Indian musical instruments: strings, brass, percussion

Traditional music is very popular today. Ringtones with national color intertwined with modern, giving compositions a special significance and a new depth. Indian musical instruments so often heard today, not only in the events dedicated to the ancient state, but also concerts of famous performers. Their features and stories and will be discussed below. 

Music India 

Musical art of Indian civilization has its roots in the deep past. Classic line originates in the "Sama" or "Veda chanting," one of the most ancient Vedic treatises. Folk music of India has its own characteristics, depending on the place of occurrence. Numerous traditions and its branches are very popular today.

Classical and folk music of the state at the time of the Muslim conquest has incorporated some of the traditions of the Arab world. Later, during the colonial period, it has been influenced by European culture features. 

Indian tabla drum 

Table is often called one of the symbols of Indian music. This doubles the drum of small size, is used to underscore the basic rhythm of the composition in the tradition of Hindustani. The history of the tabla is unknown. Perhaps the features of the game on this instrument, and the details of its design have developed based on a combination of Indian, Persian, and other traditions. 

The membrane of both parts of the tabla is made of leather and covered with a special compound that affects the timbre. This coating creates a distinctive sound expressive drawing tool, makes it flexible in building, dynamic and technically. -
Multifaceted sitar 

Perhaps the most well-known Indian stringed musical instrument - a sitar, or sitar. He belongs to the lute, and is able to create a unique sound palette, inaccessible to many similar tools. 

At sitar seven main strings and 11 to 13 more or resonator. During the performance of a musician uses the basic strings, their sound respond the rest. As a result, the melody becomes more profound and multifaceted. 

A sitar can be compared with the whole orchestra in this regard. To play on this stringed plucked instruments use a special mediator - mizrab. In form it resembles a long claw, and fastened on his right index finger. The main feature of the sitar - the resonator is made of pear-shaped pumpkin. Often, a tool is provided and an additional resonator, which is attached to the top of the neck. Structurally similar to the sitar is esraj, musical instrument with twenty strings.

 To play it using the bow. With his sitar strings in common location. Estradzh originated much later - about 200 years ago. The approximate time of occurrence of the sitar - XIII century. 

Additionally, if you happen need to purchase some musical instrument parts, you can search via Banggood website, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as caline guitar pedals, wind up music box, etc. 

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