Monday 6 February 2017

Soft toys with their own hands

Soft toys are always attracted to children and adults. Especially if they are created with their own hands or the hands of a loved one - my grandmother or mother. Some seem quite impossible to sew a soft doll or teddy bear. But this is not the case with the pattern and imagination, anything is possible.

And for the child and for yourself

Love to the toys inherent in every human being from childhood. Perhaps many do not finish the at the time, so the adults love to sew soft toys with their own hands. This becomes an interesting hobby that is very happy for all relatives and children. Thanks to this hobby, you can always prepare interesting gift, there is no problem with the holidays - there is always exciting, soft and fluffy souvenir. For the manufacture of toys can be used not only to new materials but also the unnecessary things in the house: the old children's coats, sweaters, small tights, of which the child has grown up. This is a very profitable hobby that allows you to get rid of unnecessary things, scraps of fabric, pieces of leather. The interior of the apartments are always decorated and creates a special comfort in the house due to the design.

Elephants, rabbits, horses ...

Today are various stuffed animals: small animals, dolls and even blocks, books. All is soft and beautiful. To make soft toys with their own hands, the pattern can be found in the literature spetsialzirovannoy or create your own. Often the pattern is removed from the old frayed toys: it gently rip, smooth and transferred to the cellophane. It can serve as a basis for the manufacture of toys: a little dream, her alter, transform kitten bunny or vice versa. For tailoring good fit and felt, and fur, and bright cotton.

Soft toys with their own hands now sew many: the internet there are numerous sites needlewomen. Where you can find workshops on making Waldorf dolls Tilda, animals, characters from the cartoon. Examples are the characters "Monster High." Yet the most popular bears, rabbits, elephants from beautiful materials. From bright fabrics obtained very cute elephants, bears. Beautiful and funny animals can be linked or crocheted of different varieties and types of yarn. In order to get soft fur, taken fluffy yarns or mohair. But even knitted toys are performed on certain patterns and clothes patterns.

Soft toys with their own hands
For their manufacturing it is necessary to make the pattern and cook: 
- paper - tracing paper 
- scissors 
- pencil or pen, 
- a needle and thread under the fabric color 
- pieces of felt or thick coat fabrics, plush, size 20x30 cm, 
- a needle for fixing.

Many people prefer the production of soft toys made of fabric and filler. For starters, you can make a small bunny is quite simple in its design, but very nice.

Felt should be two colors: one piece of white, the other - what is or what kind of heart desires. Use the materials at hand should be cut out of felt all the details, but do not forget to make allowances for seams - 5 mm.

Today, there are more and more enthusiastic people, which gets interesting toy sewing hobby. Crafts can be engaged with their children, which positively affects the development of taste, the child of imagination and promotes mutual understanding with the parents.

Additionally, if you happen need to purchase some funny toys, you can search via Banggood website, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as hovering globe, noctilucous wood tower, etc. 

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